Don’t become entangled with other

Don’t become entangled with other

Dear friends, Om shanti. Don’t become entangled with others, and don’t allow your stage to fluctuate based on relationships. We make mistakes when we ...

Connection to the One

Connection to the One

Dear friends, Om shanti. Why is the condition of the world becoming so bad? Because the souls of the world have become separated from the One, and they don’t ...

Have honesty, and be carefree

Have honesty, and be carefree

Dear friends, Om shanti. Have honesty, and be carefree. Don’t question how things will happen. Everything that has happened is good. Everything that is happening ...

Don't stop giving love

Don't stop giving love

Dear friends, Om shanti. If someone makes a mistake and you see it, do not allow it to affect your vision of that person. People come under the influence of their ...

Keep your heart clear

Keep your heart clear

Dear friends, Om shanti. It is only when we become detached, that we become instruments to serve others. For this, we must keep our hearts clear. Don’t ...

Your thoughts have become peaceful

Your thoughts have become peaceful

Dear friends, Om Shanti. I feel that for all of you, your thoughts have become peaceful. When the mind is peaceful, the intellect can catch very well; this catching ...

Power in spiritual love

Power in spiritual love

Dear friends, Om shanti. There is great power in spiritual love. I have to keep my heart clear. Then I will look at each one with a spiritual vision and interact ...

Everyone is unique, see only virtue

Everyone is unique, see only virtue

Dear friends, Om shanti. Do not allow your disappointment with others to disturb your inner peace. Everyone is unique. No two are the same. When you look at others, ...

Benefit and Safety

Benefit and Safety

Dear friends, Om shanti. One of the things that upsets us the most is the words and actions of others. The way we must live in the world is by looking at everything ...

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