You can create your own fortune

You can create your own fortune

Dear friends, Om shanti. Make the aim of your life to use your body, mind, wealth, breath and time in a worthwhile way. This means to keep the quality of your thoughts ...

Stay in peace. Stay in love.

Stay in peace. Stay in love.

Dear friends, Om shanti. Your thoughts should be pure and peaceful. Stay in peace. Stay in love. For this, use yoga power. Remain honest; don’t waste anything. ...

Make the change inside

Make the change inside

Dear friends, Om shanti. This is a time for happiness. The way to maintain your happiness is not to allow yourself to experience anger, greed, ego, attachment or ...

Thinking too much is a habit

Thinking too much is a habit

Dear friends, Om shanti. Thinking too much is a habit. There’s no need to think a great deal. Teach yourself to stay in peace, happiness, love, and bliss. ...

Receive light and give light to others

Receive light and give light to others

Dear friends, Om shanti. Many in the world have lost their sense of inner peace and their sense of direction. Your own practice of self-realization and the remembrance ...

Have patience, mind

Have patience, mind

Dear friends, Om shanti. Many of us experience a persistent restlessness inside. The cure for this restlessness is the virtue of being patient. Tell your mind, “Have ...

Now is the moment!

Now is the moment!

Dear friends, Om shanti. Now is the time to become complete with all virtues – to be completely peaceful, completely loving and completely happy. Now is the ...

Vibrations created go beyond walls

Vibrations created go beyond walls

Dear friends, Om shanti. Through our connection with God, we develop spiritual power, which brings us so much benefit. It allows us to care for the self and for ...

God is available to us when we turn our thoughts to Him

God is available to us when we turn our thoughts to Him

Dear friends, Om shanti. Sometimes I cannot sleep at night. When this happens, I remember God. It is remembrance of the Supreme that keeps the soul ever-happy, ...

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Words for the World - Angel

Dadi Janki reveals how God is inspiring her to become an angel.

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