What does it mean to love yourself?

What does it mean to love yourself?

Dear friends, Om shanti.  What does it mean to love yourself? It’s not really about  the feeling of love, but about recognition of what is valuable ...

Deep benefit in silence

Deep benefit in silence

Dear Friends, Om shanti. There is power in experiencing silence.  Silence is the  language of the soul. You have the experience of both sweet silence and,  beyond ...

Benefit of elevated vision

Benefit of elevated vision

Dear Friends, Om shanti.  Only see the beauty in others.  There are deep reasons for this.  To see the weakness in another is a subtle ...

Create an atmosphere

Create an atmosphere

Dear Friends, Om shanti. Wherever we are, we have to create an atmosphere that spreads in the world.  Merge everything that happened in the past – even ...

Never become hopeless or disheartened

Never become hopeless or disheartened

Dear Friends, Om shanti. Never become hopeless or disheartened.This will make you sad.  Realize that you the soul are a child of God and that this is the time  to ...

The Unlimited

The Unlimited

Dear friends, Om shanti.  If you are to serve others, you must not have any attachment to a bodily being.  If your intellect is drawn to material things ...

Ready and free to serve

Ready and free to serve

Dear Friends, Om shanti. Serve through your vibrations and create a good atmosphere. First, look into your heart, and make sure that there is no feeling of anything ...

Pay close attention to your awareness

Pay close attention to your awareness

Dear Friends, Om shanti. When we hear something uplifting… when we hear some aspect of the truth, we enjoy that and it comes into our awareness.  ...

Say "Om shanti" 3 times.


Dear Friends, Say “om shanti” 3 times.  First, I am a soul.  Second, I belong to God who is the Almighty Authority.  And third, what is ...

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Words for the World - Hope

Dadi Janki says that in order to face the intense challenges of the world today, time is calling for all souls to reclaim feelings of love and peace.

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