What the future of the world could be
Dear friends:

Now is the time for everyone to experience, through our features, what the future of the world could be.  We don’t just have to give a message, but we need to create opportunities where others are able to experience our pure thoughts that give meaning to our words, our pure feelings that radiate love from our eyes, our meaningful smiles that inspire hope, our gentle touch that instills strength and rebuilds trust.  Living will not be hard work.  The natural arts of life will become our way of living in the future.

The natural arts of life are not about words but about heart-to-heart conversations where matters of the heart reach one another’s hearts.  This is the future.  Keeping such a future in front of us, we let go of the past.  Past is past.  This is the reality of the New Year.   There is no need to worry about what will happen tomorrow.  What really matters is:  What do I have to do now – with my thought in this second, in this moment?

My each thought is a gift to offer, and time provides me with each moment to share this gift.  God is watching us and observing how each one of us is offering our thoughts, words and actions as elevated gifts to inspire others.  Happy New Year!

with love

Dadi Janki

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Words for the World - Detachment

Dadi Janki shows how to be free from attachment and desires.

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