One who is introverted can be concentrated – focused.

Dear friends,

Om shanti.  When we are in the world, we feel the pulls of the world.  However, this is a time in which we have to be ever-ready as things are happening suddenly.  The way to be ever-ready is to remain introverted.

There is a huge contrast between introversion and extroversion. One who is introverted can be concentrated – focused. The more I am focused, the more I can be introverted and the more I am introverted, the more I can stay focused. There is no need to look at anyone else.  Let me remain soul-conscious and keep my awareness on the One above.  Then I will experience being free, being liberated in life and ready for whatever might come.

With love,
BK Janki


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Words for the World - Ego

Dadi Janki explains how conquering attachment brings strength and power to one’s life.

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