If you want to speak to God, you have to stay in deep inner silence

Dear Friends,

Om shanti.  Once, when I was in Barcelona, someone said to me, “you say that God speaks to you and that you speak to God. What must we know to have these conversations with God?”

If you want to speak to God, you have to stay in deep inner silence.  The response from God also comes in silence.  Also, there has to be a relationship with God.  Because of God’s nature, He is available for all relationships with us in our soul conscious form – mother, father, teacher, friend, guide, companion, etc.  When I stay in silence, God fills me with happiness, love, peace, and power.  I am able to merge everything that is wasteful or that causes me heaviness.  Then, when my intellect is clean, I am able to catch God’s signals for me and I know what I have to do.


BK Janki


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