Learn to live a very simple life

Dear Friends,

Om shanti.  When we are together we often talk about the quality of our lives.  It is the quality of our minds that creates the quality of our lives.  If you don’t have the power to pack up and the power to merge, then the whole of your life will be in a continuous state of expansion. You will then have to think a lot in order to manage everything.  Learn to live a very simple life. Your clothes, your shoes, your room, every aspect of your life should be kept very clean. You should not have extra clothes.

I keep a small bag packed so that I am ready to travel on short notice. I just need to take two pieces of bread with me. To go into great expansion is to have a mind and a life that are cluttered and distracting to others. Remember that whatever thoughts I think or words and actions I perform, others will see and be influenced by them. This is very deep. Fill your attitude with spirituality and your relationships and interactions will all be wonderful.

BK Janki


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