When we understand the self, then we understand the world and time
Dear Friend,

At every second, in every minute it is very beautiful to go into peace
and stillness. The soul likes to go into peace and stillness and then
come into sound.  The soul gains strength and clarity by becoming
conscious of itself as a spiritual being and then remembering the Divine.

Until there is this basic understanding, it is not possible to go any
further in your spiritual growth. Some ask, should I use my intellect to
understand the world or should I use my intellect to understand that I
am a soul?

When we understand the self, then we understand the world and time.  We
understand what the world needs and what we must do.  In order to
understand the self, the intellect needs to go inside. Then, when we
have become silent and stable, we are able to serve others.

With love,
BK Janki

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Words for the World - Ego

Dadi Janki explains how conquering attachment brings strength and power to one’s life.

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