Keep God in front of you
Dear friend,

Om shanti.  Do you know how to create a powerful atmosphere?  You have to have  faith and create good vibrations. No matter what type of soul comes in front of you, have such faith and such good wishes inside that he or she is filled with humility in your presence.

There’s a connection between attitude and awareness.  Now is the time that we must make spiritual effort to remain in the awareness of God.  
Then our attitude will be filled with mercy and feelings of benevolence.

The influence of others should not touch you; your attention should not go towards them.  Check to see who is in your awareness.  Give others an experience by maintaining an awareness of God when you are with them.
People will forget words, but they won’t forget the experience.

Keep God in front of you, and you will become more like God. This is my bhavna, my feeling for you.

With love,

Dadi Janki

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Words for the World - Hope

Dadi Janki says that in order to face the intense challenges of the world today, time is calling for all souls to reclaim feelings of love and peace.

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