Realize the value of our lives

Dear Friends

Om shanti.  Karma (action) leaves imprints inside me.  Let me transform those imprints.  Between my karma and my relationships, I need to have values.  When we realize the value of our lives, we can help others to see the value of their lives. 

We are all souls, children of one God, and I see you as my brothers and sisters. Let me see the world with this vision.  Then I can help the world.  The world is my family, and it’s definitely going to become a better place.  Let me do what’s beneficial for me, and it will also benefit the collective.  Wherever we live, we are drawn to come together.  Our home is one.  Our parents are one.  Our home is the land of peace beyond the earth and sky in another dimension.  When you remember this, you will feel deep peace and happiness.

With love,

BK Janki


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Words for the World - Relationships

Brahma Kumaris Spiritual leader Dadi Janki explains how many relationships with God are possible, including God as Mother, Father, friend, teacher, and more.

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