The future is in our hands, because the present is in our hands

Dear Friends,

Om shanti. We are living together in a very auspicious time --- a time in which we can create our fortune for the future. Our time is valuable. It is the time to say past is past and learn to make the future very good through the present. The future is in our hands, because the present is in our hands. It is our elevated actions that make our present and our future very good.

Each second is important. Each second contains thoughts that are seeds for words and actions. Learn to see your subtle thoughts and notice if there is even a trace of waste. High quality thoughts allow you to perform elevated actions and claim a most fortunate future.

With love,

Dadi Janki


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Words for the World - Relationships

Brahma Kumaris Spiritual leader Dadi Janki explains how many relationships with God are possible, including God as Mother, Father, friend, teacher, and more.

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