God's Companionship

Dear Friend,

Om shanti.  There is a deep connection between peace and love. When I become soul conscious, I experience peace, and then the type of love that emerges is spiritual love. There is a huge difference between the love a soul experiences when in body consciousness and the love a soul experiences in the state of soul consciousness. I invite you to reflect on this.

What makes a soul truly happy?  Experiencing the companionship of God makes a soul truly and deeply happy and content. My wish for you is that you learn to experience God directly. First you come to know all about Him and then you make your mind quiet and you can communicate with Him and experience Him. Once you have had an experience of God’s presence, you can then draw power from Him.  This is the key. Do not lose it. Keep this key and use it for your whole life. There is no prophet or deity like Him. He is the all-powerful One. Knowing Him will change your life forever.

Dadi Janki


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Words for the World - Detachment

Dadi Janki shows how to be free from attachment and desires.

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